Lie, My Pretties!

Unsurprisingly, the usual GOP subjects hit the airwaves and internet to decry the FBI raid on Trump’s home. Because why wait to find out the reason behind the raid and investigation? Instead they promote unfounded conspiracy theories, speculate about the FBI planting evidence, and spread baseless accusations about the process to get the federal warrant.

These are many of the same people who still spread lies about the election, January 6th, and believe that no one should be held accountable for January 6th.

Lies and more lies. Oh, and some even decided to publicly announce the home address of the judge who signed the warrant.

Predictably, some of their followers online are already calling for violence.

The lies and conspiracies from elected officials only help to stir up those dark thoughts. It’s irresponsible, at best. And lays bare their intended message that Trump should somehow be exempt from accountability. They’re the GOP version of the Flying Monkeys from the Wizard of Oz; minions sent to do the bidding of the villain pulling the strings.