C’mon, Joe

After all the fuss over Trump having classified government documents in his office, now we find that Biden had some in his private office, too, even when he was not in office.

Yes, it’s not the same, as the Biden team has voluntarily returned the documents to the National Archives when they found them, while Trump was holding documents long after their return was ordered.

But, c’mon, Joe, it’s not a good look.

Biden’s Immigration Plan

The Biden Administration introduced a new immigration policy that makes no one happy. Among other policy plans, it would restrict people from applying for asylum at the U.S. Border, instead telling people to stay where they are and apply for asylum from home.

Completely ignoring that the reason people need asylum is because their home is no longer safe.

Do better, Joe.

Thanks, Biden.

Yesterday, the Biden administration launched the application process for their student loan forgiveness program.

This cartoon is based on a billboard seen on the streets of Las Vegas. If women want to strip, more power to them. But if, as this billboards implies, they’re only doing it to pay off student loans and would decide to not do it if they don’t have the loans, then maybe the forgiveness is a good thing.


President Biden has announced that he will pardon all people convicted of federal offenses for simple marijuana possession. This isn’t drug dealers and traffickers, but people who simply had small amounts or used marijuana on federal lands.

He also will try to influence governors to do the same at the state level, and work to reclassify marijuana so it’s not considered the same as heroin and other hard drugs.

It’s a good step that is bound to help millions who can’t get a job or housing due to simple marijuana violations.

It’s time for our country to recognize that the War on Drugs has done more harm than good and move ahead with decriminalization of marijuana.


In a speech set against a fiery backdrop, President Biden called out Trump and the MAGA extremism as a threat to US democracy.

It was a sharp rebuke of the extreme faction within the Republican Party and their unwavering loyalty to Trump.

And I can’t disagree with Biden. This week Trump was on his Truth Social platform calling for the 2020 election to be overturned and Trump to be installed as President. Or at least to toss out the 2020 election and immediately have another election.

If you don’t see that as the totalitarian and anti-democratic move that it is, you’re kidding yourself.

Of course, several Republicans and MAGA devotees decried the speech.

But when they’ve spent the past 6 years wearing shirts, flying flags, and tossing comments saying, “Fuck Your Feelings,” I don’t feel too badly if their feelings are hurt.

Catch that Word Balloon!

With a few off-the-cuff words at the end of an important speech, Biden might have reshaped the nature of this conflict with Russia, putting Putin in a position of saying the American government is actively working on regime change in his country.

Now, Joe’s not wrong, but saying it publicly in a speech by the President of the United States carries a heavy weight. Which is why his team has tried hard to walk back those words.

Just like helium balloons, some word balloons can be a real hazard if you just let them go.

We’ll see how this shapes up.